Author: Capital Abstract & Title

Everything You Should Know About e-closings

There is no denying that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we buy and sell houses. Social distancing has transformed the operations in the field of real estate. Virtual tours, open houses, and e-closings helped real estate agents to make profits and help clients during this tough and challenging time.


Several homebuyers and homeowners might not be familiar with the term e-closings. In simple terms, e-closing is the process of electronically closing a mortgage loan.


The e-closing process usually happens in a secure and safe digital environment, where either a few or all documents will be accessed and filled out electronically. If you want to stay safe and opt for an e-closing process, you should consider reaching out to a professional e-closings Boca Raton company.


Three Different Types Of E-Closings


It is important to remember that some states still have not fully permitted remote online notarizations. Due to this, three different types of e-closings have been introduced.


During a hybrid e-closing process, notary and borrowers are required to meet in person. Some documents will be signed traditionally while others will be signed digitally.


When it comes to remote online notarization, the notary and borrowers will be conducting an online meeting virtually. All the documents that are involved in the transaction will be virtually signed in a remote online notarization.


As the name indicates, the notary and borrowers will be meeting in person in traditional in-person closings. They will be executing the digital documents electronically with the help of a tablet or computer.


Final Thoughts


E-closings were slowly gaining popularity in the field of real estate before the start of the pandemic. However, e-closings have now offered a simple and effective way for real estate agents to do business. Get in touch with us to learn more about e-closings in Boca Raton.

What is a Property Title Search?

Finalizing a home sale is never a simple process. The process takes forever. Sometimes, the delay is due to a poorly conducted title search in Boca Raton, delay in verification of the property title, and the like. Closing delays can be avoided on many occasions if a property title search is conducted in a timely manner.


But what is a property title search? Well, a property title search signifies the owner of the house. Any person having their name on the document has the right to sell the house. If the owner happens to have liens on their property, they cannot sell the property without settling the liens.


Any person who does not have their name on the documents cannot sell the house. Suppose a 20-year-old college student happens to have their name on the documents, and their parents attempt to sell the house in their absence. Are they legally allowed to? No, only the student can initiate the sale.


Property title search in Boca Raton entails looking for documents pertaining to a particular property. A property title may not include all the necessary details related to liens on the specific property. If you do not search for the relevant information, you may end up investing your savings in a defective property title. You must understand the property you are purchasing may have had numerous owners in the past. At times, apart from the owner, their family members also make claims to the house. So, avoid any surprises by opting for a property title search.


A title search will enable you to uncover the details and records associated with the property you are willing to purchase. It will reveal anything that the owner was attempting to hide from you. You would not want to learn these details later on, would you? You should be cautious when investing in a property.


Now, when is a property title search conducted? It is conducted when a buyer expresses interest in buying the property, pays, but doesn’t receive the ownership rights of the property.


If you want to get a property title search conducted, reach out to us at Capital Abstract & Title.

Looking for a Title Insurance Agency? Read This!

Are you planning to buy a house? It is a demanding process. A substantial amount of money goes into buying a house. You may be pooling all of your savings to purchase your dream house. When a huge amount of money is at stake, you would not want anything to go wrong. Finalizing the purchase of your dream house is all you would want. So, choose a title insurance agency in Boca Raton to finalize the deal.

The title insurance agency will be responsible for verifying the title of the property and closing the deal. An agency will simplify the purchasing process for you. Before you select an agency, consider the following:

  • Reviews: Reviews and testimonials will tell you a great deal about the agency. Just search the agency’s name on Google, and you will come across a plethora of reviews. At times, even the agency websites include testimonials and reviews from the clients. Reviews will allow you to gather information about the agency’s performance.
  • Quotes: Many people choose to rely on title quotes received from only one agency. You should not make the same mistake. Ask for quotes from multiple agencies. Compare the quotes and choose the one that fits your budget.
  • Responsiveness: How much time does it take the agents to address your questions? Can you reach out through calls, e-mail, or any other way? Are they willing to ease your doubts? If they respond after a long time or reply randomly, recognize these warning signs and do not hire them at any cost.
  • Experience: Would you want an inexperienced agency to handle your case? Agencies with years of experience can handle your case efficiently. They know the process like the back of their hands and can deal with any problems tactfully. Go for an agency that has vast experience in the field.

We, at Capital Abstract & Title, are known for our top-notch services. We have more than three decades worth of experience in the industry. You can conclude your search for a title insurance agency in Boca Raton.

Types Of Title Insurance

Title insurance is a necessary and in-depth form that ensures greater protection to both the parties who are involved in the process of buying a home. Both the buyer and seller would like to ensure that the home buying process goes as smoothly as planned. This is why it is important to get title insurance.

Most sellers and buyers might not know a lot about title insurance. In fact, several people will be surprised to hear that there are two different types of title insurance. If you want to know more about title insurance, you should consult with an experienced real estate title insurance lawyer.

Types Of Title Insurance

There are two different types of title insurance policies and they are as follows:

  • Seller’s Title Insurance Policy
  • Buyer’s Title Insurance Policy

Seller’s Title Insurance Policy

A Seller’s title insurance policy may also be referred to as a loan policy or lender’s policy. The primary aim of this title insurance policy is to offer protection to the lender who has provided funds for a property. This will include a number of things like defects in the title, unrecorded liens, and more.

Buyer’s Title Insurance Policy

This type of title insurance policy is for the individual who is buying the home or property with the intent of owning the title completely one day. This means that the buyer’s title insurance policy will protect the buyer. So, if you are someone who is planning to buy a property or home, it is best to get this title insurance policy.

Final Thoughts

If you are new to the world of title insurance policies, it is best to get in touch with a professional real estate title insurance lawyer before buying any insurance, as it will help you get a better idea of the different types of title insurance policies.

Why is Title Examination Important?

Have you ever dreamed of owning a house? Does the thought of calling yourself a homeowner fill you with excitement? Do you want to avoid relocating every few years? Have you discussed the idea of investing in a property with your family? It may be time for you to invest in a place that will be your home for years.

Real estate prices are always changing. Prices for old and new homes continue to increase for a few years before they drop. If owning a house has been a lifelong dream, don’t hold out on this decision forever. Take action. However, don’t forget about the title examination in Boca Raton before purchasing a property.

What is the importance of title examination? Well, it allows you to understand whether a property can be sold or not. An examiner conducts a title examination to ensure that a damaged property isn’t being sold to the buyer. It is their responsibility to find the rightful owner of the property. They find out whether the seller is entitled to sell the property to the buyer or not. The examiner has to check every detail of the legal documents and papers related to the property to verify the owner’s claim to it. If any inconsistencies appear in the details provided by the seller, the title examiner will draw your attention to it.

It’s very important to find out the previous owners of the property. Titles pass to new owners when the property changes hands. A chain of title allows you to gather information about different owners and trace the property back to its original owner. If the property happens to be misappropriated or illegally obtained, you will know all about it.

The importance of title examination cannot be stressed enough. You should be cautious before investing all you have, only to be disappointed in the end.

Worried about finding a title insurance company? We, at Capital Abstract & Title, have got you covered. So, call us now to get a free quote for a title examination in Boca Raton!

Why Should You Hire a Title Lawyer in Boca Raton?

Purchasing a house is an amazing experience. It is a massive investment. To ensure a seamless experience, you should hire a title lawyer in Boca Raton.

Here are some reasons you should hire a title lawyer:

  • A title lawyer is not affected by your transactions. Other people participating in transactions may work against you, but not a title lawyer – they will work in your best interests.
  • Understanding real estate laws can be difficult. A title lawyer can explain to you the nitty-gritty of laws and give sound legal advice.
  • Title lawyers are experts at dealing with all kinds of issues that may come up in the course of your transaction. They have a profound understanding of the law. They can help you in steering clear of the complexities that may arise.
  • Contracts are essential. They need to be reviewed to ensure that your needs are met and your interests aren’t compromised. Hiring a title lawyer who can review your contract, recommend changes, and break down the terms of the contract in simpler terms for your understanding can be beneficial.
  • You may end up investing in a damaged property. It can put a financial strain on you. Your lawyer can help you avoid this and ensure that your investments don’t go down the drain.
  • You may want to cancel the contract at any point in the deal which can have legal repercussions. To avoid this situation, it would be best to hire a title lawyer who can advise you on the consequences if you choose to cancel the contract.

Hiring a title lawyer has many benefits. Are you wondering where to look for a title lawyer in Boca Raton? We, at Capital Abstract & Title have a team of skilled and experienced title lawyers. We give valuable guidance and prioritize the needs of our customers above all. Reach out to us if you are looking for a hassle-free real estate transaction.

Essential Tasks of a Real Estate Closing Lawyer

When planning to invest in real estate, sell a property, or buy a new home, you should ask whether you need a real estate closing lawyer. Buying, selling, and investing in real estate is an expensive proposition, which is why it is best to have a closing lawyer Boca Raton with you.

However, many people make the mistake of not hiring a real estate closing lawyer to save on the lawyers’ fees. It is crucial to note that not having a real estate closing lawyer to help you with buying or selling a property can lead to serious trouble in the long run. Not hiring an attorney will end up costing you much more money.

How Can A Real Estate Closing Lawyer Help You

The process of a real estate closing can be a nightmare, especially when you don’t have an attorney to help you. This is because a professional real estate closing attorney will review each step of the process. As a result, the attorney will be able to easily identify and resolve problems.

One of the added advantages of hiring a real estate closing lawyer is that you will always have someone looking out for your best interest. If you are planning to purchase a new property, then the attorney will help you with the following things:

Title Examination

Ensures that all conditions and requirements of the contract are completed upon the real estate closing

Makes necessary arrangements for the Title Insurance coverage

Records all legal documents and deeds

Communicates with the lender on your behalf

If you wish to know more about what services are offered by a closing lawyer Boca Raton, all you need to do is to get in touch with us and we will take care of the rest.

Why is a Title Search Important?

When you purchase or sell a property, it is crucial to conduct a title search in the preliminary stage. If you are a seller, while conducting a title search you may discover that you don’t even possess the right to sell whereas if you are a buyer, you may uncover that the property is under debt and that it will hamper your interests.

A title search is a huge responsibility. You will have to scrutinize numerous documents, deeds, contracts, unearth whether the property is debt-free, etc. You can always hire a lawyer for conducting a title search in Boca Raton.

But before that, you need to understand the necessity of conducting a title search. Reasons are listed as follows:

  • As a buyer, it will help that you cross-check whether the sellers have the claim to the property or not. You will be able to maintain a record of numerous people who have had the claim to property in the past. If the property has been sold multiple times within a limited span, it may set off warning bells.
  • You will get an insight into the easements on the property. You would want to unearth if your neighboring houses can lay claim to using your parking space, the pathway to your house, etc. to avert any such issues in the future.
  • A title search will help you ascertain if the house has any bylaws registered to it. If it does, you may not possess the right to renovate the property, lease out your property, use the property for commercial purposes, etc.

To avoid any such contingencies at a later stage, it becomes imperative to conduct a title search. If you are looking for a lawyer to conduct a title search in Boca Raton, reach out to us. We at Capital Abstract & Title specialize in conducting title searches for our clientele. Entrust us with the task and put all your worries to rest.

All That You Should Know About Title Examination

Purchasing a house is a huge task. You cannot be careless when making such a massive investment in your life. If you are considering buying a property at present or anytime in the future, you must know about the title examination.

Title examination is an integral process to be conducted when a person is investing in a property. But what role does it play? It is issued on properties. When issued, it allows a person to access all the information on the property right from the start. All the relevant information is maintained in the public record. Moreover, any information that skipped investor’s attention at an earlier stage comes to light.

Title examination allows an investor to lay claim to the property as a bona fide purchaser. It signifies that no other person can lay claim to the concerned property, and hence the investor becomes the sole owner of the property. Understanding its significance, people are conducting a title examination in Boca Raton before finalizing the property purchase.

If any anomaly is associated with the property, you can step back and save yourself the unnecessary hassle. Along with the title exam, you will have to deal with title insurance as well.

Title insurance will protect you from any or all kinds of defects that went undetected during the title exam. Investing in a homeowner policy can rescue you from any unfavorable situation if your property reveals encumbrances after closing. The entire purchase money paid for the property gets covered by this policy. It’s time you reach out to a lawyer, entrust him with the tasks, and let him deal with the transactions. Leave no room for a bitter experience.

We, at Capital Abstracts & Title, conduct title examinations in Boca Raton for our clients and protect their interests. Investing in a property is a life-changing experience. Hire us to make this a memorable experience. Set up a call or drop us a mail and allow us to handle the legalities.

A Beginner’s Guide To Title Insurance Agencies

If you are someone who has been involved in a real estate transaction, then you will be familiar with title insurance agencies. It is evident that title insurance agencies play an integral role when it comes to real estate transactions. However, several people still have no clear idea on what exactly these companies do.

In simple words, title insurance companies simplify the process of real estate transactions by offering complex research and ensuring professional coordination with all parties involved in the transaction. If you want the real estate transaction to go smoothly, it is important to seek the help of title insurance agency Boca Raton.

Records Search

Professional title insurance companies conduct extensive research of country records. The research allows them to identify issues such as property liens, which may be attached to the title of the new property. Title insurance agencies usually consolidate the founded information into the title insurance agreement or preliminary report.


Most of the title insurance companies in the country usually offer title insurance to buyers. The insurance coverage will be paying for issues that are identified during the research. The insurance cost is generally built into the real estate property’s closing cost. An important point to remember is that lenders will need title insurance before finalizing the real estate deal.


In some cases, title insurance agencies will act as escrow officers or closing agents during the purchase of a real estate property. This means that the title insurance company will be representing both the seller and buyer in the transaction.

Final Thoughts

If you are new to the world of real estate transactions or if you want to go the transaction smoothly, it is best to seek the help of title insurance agency Boca Raton, as the agency will help you to ensure that the transaction will go smoothly as planned.